Friday, 12 November 2021

Across the sea of space, the stars are other suns.

 This weeks SundayPostcardArt theme was chosen by the wonderful Sabine... the theme is TRAVEL but this time Ive gone for  SPACE TRAVEL

Mandy xx 


Sabine said...

fantastic idea! love it so much

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wow, just wow Mandy! This is fantastic. What a great idea. I love this.

bockel24 said...

super idea!

Rika said...

great card!

Sim said...

So unique, beautiful and clever! Bravo Mandy!

Cindy McMath said...

Oh Mandy, I love your space card! I did the same thing - although very different if that makes sense. :). Xx

Mary M. said...

Fantastic idea. I love it's uniqueness.