On Thursday Lily and I went on a trip to nearby Chesterfield. I love it there as it's so quaint and lovely. We usually go on a Thursday as there's a fleamarket on, however, this week we ended up not getting ANYthing! We did have a gorgeous lunch at a Veggie cafe called Elliotts ~ definately worth a trip. Here in Derby there is no places for vegetarians to eat! Their food is scrummy and homemade. There's some great shops there, including lots of arts and crafts shops and a dolls house emporium.
the crooked spire
(not my photo, no matter how many times I go I never take one!)

My Lunch ~ Yummy!
These photo's are from when we went to Chesterfeild in October
Miz Lils
Little A
It was so bitterly cold though, so I will wait til it warms up a bit then I'll go have another rummage on the fleamarket.