you flicker
and you're beautiful
you glow inside my head
you hold me hypnotized
i'm mesmerised
your flames
the flames that kiss me dead
Oh I love The Cure! I forgot just how much. Been listening to them all afternoon and....
scanning many many MANY pieces of creative-ness!
Been drinking tea ~ had nearly a day without it and nearly didn't make it through! lol Lily had to run to her office to pick up the kettle there after ours went kaboom at home on Friday night.

and here's my two gorgeous babies ~ Myrtle and Petrie
Mandy x
Love your scans, love me some tea, and your puppies are adorable.
Love Lullaby. Robert Smith in his stripey pyjamas! Are these for Laura? I love that Alice!
Wow, is this all your work on the photo?? Gorgeous and so many!!
Love your two little cutie dogs.
Listening to the Cure while scanning so many beautiful pieces of creativeness... it must have been a wonderful Sunday afternoon, although I wouldn't exactly call it lazy!
Your little dogs are so cute, i love lilly's kettle too.
Love them all!!!!
WOW..look at all that gorgeous ROCK AND ROLL GIRL!
omg..i LOVE those pups!!!
What about The Cult Mandy? I was so into them when I lived in D.C. Me and my girlfriend Ginger used to wear boxer shorts, high tops and shirts held together with safety pins. We'd color our hair blue and go downtown where we could legally drink and we thought we were so punk rock. It was the eighties and I loved every minute of it. Brings back the memories. By the way, all your artwork together like that in the photo looks amazing. You should do a collage of a batch of it and then frame it. It makes the eye want to jump from one masterpiece to another. Hope all is well on your end, take care.
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