I certainly wish mine was! lol of course in England, purse has a different meaning to America. Purse is where you keep your money... hence i'd love treasure! and a handbag is where you keep all the rest of your junk you have to carry round. Mine is a nice big one that stuff goes missing in and you have to delve down to your armpit to reach anything!
Here's my atc for Theme Thursday... the prompt this week is WORDS.

Collage Images from Lisa's Altered Art
Mandy x
What a beautiful and adorable card, Mandy!
This piece is stunning. All the details are so lovely :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Gaby xo
Yes, in America we have our money in our wallet, which is IN our purse (which is our handbag). At any rate, your card is adorable. Well done, Brit friend!
Perfect and I adore that fish image..very grand..Love the difference you tell me about..from US to England..so interesting. I actually just got a new purse by Apt. 9...green..my fav. color! It doesn't have much money it though-LOL..as my husband calls me..a starving artist!
Awesome ATC, and cute image in the center! Love it!
Hope it's ok that I added myself to your followers list :-)
So beautiful ...
Wonderful!! My purse is just a mess :) I'd love for it to contain treasures instead, guess it's time to organize it :)
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