Monday, 22 September 2008

MMM ~ what you love to do

What I love to do the most is to make backgrounds..... here's an atc with a handmade background made with nail varnish. To do this you get a very shallow dish, put a slight bit of water in the bottom, add drops of nail varnish (this will float) and then push the atc onto the water/nail varnish mixture. Allow to dry. You get some fabulous backgrounds and they are always different.


  1. Wow Mandy this is stunning.
    Fabulous piece.

  2. wow - what a FANTASTIC effect and BG!!! thaks for this tip. :-)

  3. Hi Mandy!!! I love your background work...amazing!!!

  4. Awesome, really have to try this.

  5. That's a terrific idea that I will definitely try. Your background is wonderful. I can see why you love to do it.

  6. Fabulous piece!
    beautiful backgrond !!!

  7. Fabulous ATC, great background technique

  8. Great ATC and what a brilliant background, not tried that one myself but now I've seen it maybe I should.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your method, Mandy. Your backgrounds have always fascinated me, and now I cannot wait to try this. I'm always so excited to see you post new work on your blog because I know I will be delighted inspired by your whimsy and imagniation! BTW I love the pictures above of your girls!


  10. That IS a fabulous background Mandy! Thank you for sharing how to! That image is so peaceful and full of emotion for me

  11. Fab ATC - and what a great technique Mandy, thanks for the info. I'm off to have a go!
    Linda x

  12. What a fantastic idea Mandy! No wonder you love doing this one. I'll have to try it myself now!!
    ~xx Barb xx~

  13. oooooo FAB idea, I have to try that....this is gorgeous, love the stamp you've used too.

  14. Wonderful, Mandy! And thanks for the little lesson - this is something I'm definitely going to try. Diane

  15. Wonderful ATC and great background. Thanks for the "how to". I'll have to try it soon.

  16. Oooh, Mandy. Thanks for the information on this technique. I must try it. This is beautiful. I'm a background freak too. Sometimes I just hate to put anything on top of them! :)
