Friday 16 July 2010

Reality is Almost Always Wrong

wow... my second page in my journal book... in as many days! I'm enjoying the format immensely... I was so afraid of such a large size before my darling daughter got me going on it!

images are from all over ~ amy (paper & gluestix); dyan (art from the heart); crowabout; jades funky junk; flickr.

Mandy x


  1. that´s a good new idea, to do journalpages. what do you think?;))

  2. MOST AWESOME Mandy..I adore did super it..totally bright and totally fun!!! You did well with all the image's..I'm really loving the journal so far..I can't wait to make more image's-WOOT

  3. Another great page Mandy. i thing you done a really good job on your first pages.

  4. Great first two pages Mandy! Love 'em :)

  5. Fabulous page, Mandy. I would be scared to write stuff - because I don't like revealing my thoughts to others and because my bloomin' awful handwriting would spoil the lovely art LOL

  6. Mandy, I am crazy for the three latest ATCs you made here. They are so, so awesome!! The bright colors (your signature of course) and the girls on them with the cute quotes. I have to say I think thus far these are my very favorites that you've made. When you get the time I really would love to trade with you just so I could have one of your beautiful ATCs to hang up in my artroom. As usual you rocked it out.

  7. WOW, WOW and WOW Mandy, LOVE your journalling!! These pages are just beyond wonderful!! You rock girl!!

    Hugs and smiles,
